Manage signature

You can edit or delete any signature and invite a new user for a signature your account has generated.

  • Click Signatures in the menu bar.
  • To invite someone to use a signature, click . > Add users by email. To invite multiple users, import a CSV file that contains the employee data. > Click to send the invitation email. They will receive an email with instructions and a link, where they can fill out their data and insert a signature into their email client. > Click Close.
  • To edit a signature, click . If you do not have a registered account, you can access the editing panel by clicking the link in the invitation email you received to use a signature. The same information fields appear, as when creating a new signature. You can edit any value you want. Be aware that choosing a different template can change the number and arrangement of the information fields available in the signature.
  • To delete a signature, click . > Confirm your decision.

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