New Paradigm of Email Marketing

More than 45% of marketing emails never make it to their recipient’s direct inbox. Photo: iStock

With 128 billion business emails sent and received daily around the globe, there is no denial that email still continues to rule the dominance of today’s business communication. Companies often use the power of email with heavy investment on email marketing campaigns, spending more than 21% of their marketing budget to newsletters and e-advertisements.

However, what marketers do not realise or perhaps have their eyes blind folded is that half of their investment spent on email marketing gets wasted. According to worldwide statistics, more than 45% of these marketing emails never make it to their recipient’s direct inbox, leading it to spam (Statista, 2019). And less than half of the emails that land to inbox are avoided opening and reading as the recipient don’t know the sender*.

The lack of personal communication in these email marketing often leads customers frustrated with misspelled names, unmatched interest and lengthy emails. Such selection is more than reasonable enough in a business world, where an individual sends and receives about 126 emails a day (Radicati, 2019).

Despite companies putting great efforts in these less effective, traditional email marketing, the powerful email signature marketing is often left ignored and untouched. What is becoming more evident is that the overlooked small space at the end of every single email, is bringing a new paradigm of email marketing. With this small space, you can:

  • advertise,
  • sell, cross-sell, up-sell and make profit,
  • optimize advertising costs,
  • and save time and effort?
Email signature gives you the ability to inform, aware and expose your customers about anything new, almost instantaneously. Photo: AdSigner

Convincing enough, email signature gives you the ability to inform, aware and expose your customers about anything new, almost instantaneously. When we once had an achievement and wanted to share with our team and business partners, we used AdSigner email signature to convey the message through a carefully designed banner attached to the signature of all employees. The positive responses we received in a few days were evident that the information in the signature was clearly noticed by all.

Email signature’s informative banner space not only communicates, advertises and sells, but also gives a great impression to the recipient. And while the majority of today’s communication are visually emphasized*, the graphical messages in your banner increases the value of the content, further grabbing receivers’ attention within a few seconds.

What more? The advertising space in the signature can be used in your everyday conventional email messaging, securing to never land in spam. As such, recipient highly values the email signature as they know the sender and trust the content of the emails. It is therefore time to question yourself: whether to continue using the traditional email marketing? or shift yourself to the new paradigm of email marketing?

“The message attached to the signature acquires the power of credibility and creates a greater interest than advertising campaigns carried out through traditional email marketing. It represents an added value to everyday message exchange, both for the recipient and for the sender. All this with no additional costs or time invested”. AdSigner Read more

Make use of the email signature advertising space to add value for your business, and take full advantage of the untouched marketing potential in your every sent email. Try it now.

Imagine that every sent email becomes a unique selling opportunity. With no additional effort.

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