How to harness the power of design for better business results

In a flood of similar products and services, design often has the greatest addressing power. Photo: AdSigner

The power of design. Get noticed. Be remembered. Be chosen at a crucial moment. In a flood of similar products and services, design often has the greatest addressing power. When quality and price are no longer enough to achieve a true competitive edge, design is usually an advantage that can help you perform slightly better than the competition. Because it is different and because it is unique. The aesthetic value of products has been proven to influence the specific areas of the brain (prefrontal cortex, striatum, midbrain and hippocampus) that take care of well-being, memory and preferential decisions. A well thought-out visual performance can evoke positive emotions that help inspire consumers in the long run.

Comparison (Design Management Institute) of the 10-year business results of various global companies have shown that those with perfected brands achieved a 219% higher profitability. Another research (The British Columbia Premier’s Technology Council) reports that in as many as 48% of projects where the designers dared to make a step further, the investment was returned within a year or sooner, and in 90% of the cases, it was returned within a maximum of three years. A report by the Forbes media company in 2015 states that every dollar spent on improving the user experience is returned by earnings of $100.

Companies with perfected designed brands achieved a 219% higher profitability. Photo: iStock

It is therefore clear that industrial design and quality branding strategy are extremely important, yet still not utilised enough in the context of market positioning. A 2017 National Endowment for the Arts study reports that only 13% of the surveyed companies had experience in industrial design, while 72% were aware they fail to recognise the high value of design due to their lack of knowledge.

The influence of the brand positioning design in the market is therefore far from being insignificant. It functions as a creator distinguishing a top brand from an average one. With its form and message delivery, in terms of design an email signature is one of the advanced types of communication, i.e. communication of a company, that among its employees, that related to its brands and product range, etc. The new AdSigner web service features high-quality designed signature templates, which allow an individual to quickly build their professionally-designed digital identity. The AdSigner Template Store offers a broad selection of carefully designed email signature templates. Insert personal information and graphic elements into the selected template in a few simple steps to get a well-designed email signature for any employee in the company.

AdSigner is so much more than an email signature generator. Photo: AdSigner

AdSigner is so much more than an email signature generator. Its innovative ad campaigns feature brings the power of graphic email elements to an entirely new level. This feature allows you to insert before or after the signatures of all employees, an attractive banner that is automatically replaced over selected time periods. Not only do the banners diversify the normally plain communication design, they also attract the reader’s attention when the message is being read.

This way, all recipients are familiarised with novelties in your company as well as its benefits, celebrations and upcoming events. The tool also allows the user to extend gratitude for joint business achievements. Use the sophisticated design of your email communication to connect advertising messages with your business and brand in an elegant manner.

Treat yourself to a professional design of your digital identity in an easy, fast and cost-efficient manner.

AdSigner is waiting for you with a free 14-day trial.

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