How do AdSigner and beer go together?

Why do IT managers love AdSigner? The following recent event explains everything:
About a week ago, we received a call from a business partner, an IT solutions admin working in a large London company. He told us how good it felt when he needed only 10 minutes to change the logo in signatures of all 200 and more employees. He did everything from a central platform on his computer and the comfort of his chair. And not a single employee reported any problems with displaying the logo in the sent emails.
Compared to the time-consuming process that was in place before AdSigner, this saved over 90 minutes of his time. He bragged that, as a true Englishman, he was happy to use those 90 minutes for some after-work socializing with friends. How would you spend an hour and a half of extra time?
Read about how to quickly create effective email signatures for all employees as well as manage and upgrade them into effective advertising campaigns in the article How to set up an email signature fast and easy or visit AdSigner.